Trends Watch Room Series 1 – Trends in Media Investment – An Opportunity to Earn More Money.

By TrendsWatch 3 Min Read

In the recently concluded IG Live session, on Trends in Media Investment, with a focus on opportunities for extra income. Hosted by Zaynab Yusuf and featuring guest Fatima Abubakar Kundiri, it shed light on key trends and strategies for financial growth in the industry.

Zaynab’s introduction emphasized the rapid evolution of media investment’s potential to boost income in the digital age. Fatima Kundiri, a Process Analyst at NBCUniversal, brought her expertise, with a background in disruptive innovation and finance brought her expertise to the discussion.

The session provided valuable insights into the significant trends in media investment, highlighting booming industries like streaming services, digital advertising, virtual reality, podcasting, and online education. These sectors offer opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs and content creators to tap into the demand for quality content.

Image source – HBS

The conversation then shifted to essential skills and knowledge required to capitalize on media investment opportunities. Fatimah emphasized the importance of industry knowledge, data analysis, digital marketing, content creation, adaptability, and effective communication and negotiation skills in navigating the ever-changing media landscape.

The decline of traditional TV and the rise of streaming services were discussed in detail, with suggestions for capitalizing on these shifts, including developing tech solutions, adapting traditional skills to the digital world, creating digital products, and exploring e-commerce and merchandise options.

Data analytics and targeting were deemed crucial in media investment. The session provided insights into content analysis, social media analytics, keyword research, feedback loops, and competitor analysis as ways to harness data and analytics tools to grow one’s network effectively.

Image source – Your story

The session concluded by addressing the identification of niche markets and topics likely to generate revenue. The importance of passion, audience research, trends, seasonality, and monetization potential were underscored when selecting subjects for content creation.

In summary, the Trends Watch Room series 1 offered an overview of the media investment landscape, highlighting key trends and providing practical advice for individuals, entrepreneurs looking to leverage these opportunities for financial gain. 

The session encouraged viewers to stay informed, adaptable, and creative in their pursuit of success in the dynamic world of media investment.

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