Top 10 Economies in Africa and their Inflation Rates in 2024

Shefiu Muib
By Muib Shefiu 5 Min Read

As we move through 2024, the economic situation in Africa shows a variety of inflation rates among its major economies. This variety reflects the different economic conditions and specific challenges each country faces.

Below, we explore the inflation rates of the top 10 economies in Africa and provide some context to understand their economic environments better.

1. South Africa

-GDP: $401 billion

-Inflation Rate 5.2%

Image source: Consultazy

South Africa maintains its position as the largest economy in Africa. Though the country faces challenges like high unemployment and energy supply issues, the country has managed to keep inflation relatively low at 5.2%.

2. Nigeria

– GDP: $395 billion

– Inflation Rate: 33.95%

Nigeria, with its vast oil wealth, ranks as the second-largest economy on the continent. However, it faces significant inflationary pressures, with an inflation rate of 33.95%. Factors such as currency depreciation, insecurity, and economic mismanagement contribute to this high rate, affecting the overall economic stability.

3. Egypt

– GDP: $358 billion

– Inflation Rate: 28.1%

Egypt’s economy, the third-largest in Africa, continues to grow amidst economic reforms and currency fluctuations. The country’s inflation rate of 28.1% highlights the challenges in achieving price stability while undergoing structural changes and dealing with global economic pressures.

4. Algeria

– GDP: $239 billion

– Inflation Rate: 3%

Algeria stands out with a low inflation rate of 3%, indicative of effective fiscal policies and stable governance. As the fourth-largest economy in Africa, Algeria benefits from its rich natural resources, particularly in the energy sector, which supports its economic stability.

5. Ethiopia

– GDP: $192 billion

– Inflation Rate: 23.3%

Ethiopia, with a rapidly growing economy, faces an inflation rate of 23.3%. Political instability, conflict, and climate-related challenges like droughts contribute to this high rate, impacting the cost of living and economic growth.

6. Morocco

– GDP: $157 billion

– Inflation Rate: 0.4%

Morocco boasts the lowest inflation rate among the top ten African economies at just 0.4%. Strong economic policies, diversification, and stable governance contribute to this remarkable achievement. Morocco’s economic stability and growth make it a standout performer on the continent.

 7. Kenya

  • GDP: $115 billion

– Inflation Rate: 5.1%

Kenya’s diverse economy, valued at $115 billion, experiences moderate inflation at 5.1%. Challenges such as political tensions and debt levels are balanced by sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, and services, which support steady economic growth.

8. Angola

– GDP: $93 billion

– Inflation Rate: 30.16%

Angola, heavily dependent on oil exports, faces an inflation rate of 30.16%. Economic diversification remains a key challenge, as fluctuations in oil prices significantly impact the country’s economic stability and growth prospects.

 9. Côte d’Ivoire

– GDP $87 billion

– Inflation Rate 4.9%

Côte d’Ivoire, with a GDP of $87 billion, maintains an inflation rate of 4.9%. The country’s economic performance is driven by agriculture, particularly cocoa and coffee production, along with efforts to diversify into manufacturing and services.

10. Tanzania

– GDP: $86 billion

– Inflation Rate 3.1%

Tanzania, the tenth-largest economy in Africa, has an inflation rate of 3.1%. The country’s stability and consistent economic policies have contributed to low inflation, supporting steady growth across various sectors including agriculture, mining, and tourism.


The top ten economies in Africa showcase a blend of growth potential and economic challenges. While some nations like Morocco and Algeria display impressive inflation control, others like Nigeria and Angola struggle with high inflation rates.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for investors, policymakers, and stakeholders aiming to engage with Africa’s diverse and evolving economic landscape. The varied economic conditions across these nations highlight the continent’s complexity and the opportunities for development and investment.

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