The Health Benefits of Garlic 

By TrendsWatch 6 Min Read

Garlic has long been used as a seasoning worldwide; it serves as a tasty addition in a variety of meals.

Interestingly,  it turns out garlic might be useful for more than just spicing up dishes but also contains a number of health benefits which can help our body to combat bacteria and viruses. So how does this delicious species of the onion family benefit our health?

Nutrition Table for Garlic

Here’s the breakdown of the nutritional content in 100 grams of fresh garlic. Keep in mind that a single medium to large clove of garlic typically weighs between 3 to 8 grams each.

Amount per 100g raw garlicPercentage of recommended daily intake
Carbohydrates33.1 g11%
Fibre2.1 g8%
Vitamin B61.2mg62%
Vitamin C31.2mg52%
Also contains vitamins A, E, K, Niacin, Folate, Pantothenic acid and Choline
Also contains Zinc, Magnesium and sodium
                  Image Credit: Britannica 

Below are some benefits of garlic in the human body 

1. Lowers cholesterol levels 

Garlic can help lower our cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that people who take garlic supplements had their level of low density lipoprotein reduced by up to 15%, this is a positive result as cholesterol can build up around our heart and arteries which could increase the risk of us getting heart diseases. 

Image source: Proactive Lab

2. Combats Common Cold

Image source: NPR

Suffering from a blocked nose and having to bear the brunt? garlic has been proven to relieve the symptoms of a cold. A study showed a sample of people who took garlic everyday only suffered an average of two days with the sickness rather than the normal 5 days.

Another study found that if people take garlic every day it can reduce the reported cases of common cold by 63%. 

3. Helps prevent Alzheimer’s 

Image source: Wikipedia 

Today’s society has an ageing population and horrible conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia are on the rise, with there being an all time high of reported cases. Alzheimer’s is caused by oxidative stress causing damage to specific brain cells.

Garlic however, has antioxidant properties which allow it to protect the body and help it to fight off oxidative damage. Therefore it helps to stop the cells from getting damaged and prevents disease like Alzheimer’s.  

4. Protects our hearts

Image source: Life Science 

Having garlic everyday can be extremely beneficial to our hearts. It helps to lower the risk of contracting very serious cardiovascular diseases as it helps to regulate and lower our blood pressure and blood sugar level. 

               Image Credit: Real Simple 

5. Improves athletic performance 

Garlic increases an individual’s working capacity. A study showed that garlic gave a sample of people a 12% reduction in peak heart rate while exercising, which means they can keep working at a higher intensity for a longer period.

The main way garlic is thought to help in this scenario is that it aids in reducing exercise induced fatigue. 

Image source: Wikipedia 

6. Improves bone strength 

Garlic can improve our bone health. It does this by increasing the level of estrogens in our body, hence it helps to minimize bone loss and promote bone growth and strength. It is especially good for helping people with osteoarthritis deal with their condition. 

Image source: Business Days

7. Prevents cancer 

Image source: Nature’s Field 

Study has shown that garlic helps lower the risks of cancer, it works by slowing down the growth of tumour cells and helps to manage cell division by stopping it from going out of control. It is especially good for preventing cancers such as stomach and prostate cancer. 

8. Improves our skin

As we get older the collagen in our skin breaks down causing our skin to lose elasticity, consuming garlic can help protect and maintain the collagen in our skin to prevent it from breaking down, it is also an antifungal and antibacterial agent which means it can  help protect our skin from fungal infections and eczema. 

In conclusion, Garlic is a surprising little gem that can bring you so many positive changes. It is required to incorporate the spice into your daily meals or in a glass of warm water every morning to achieve the best possible effect. 

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