The Health Benefits of Cloves

By TrendsWatch 7 Min Read

Cloves are flower buds from the clove tree that serves as a versatile spice in a variety of different recipes around the world. Cloves are one of the most valuable spices used over the years for culinary purposes. In Nigeria, they are locally referred to as “kanumfari” in Hausa, “kanafuru” in Yoruba, and “kanafure” in Igbo.

Most people might be unaware that cloves are also enriched with medicinal properties that can provide several positive health benefits for the human body. Cloves are rich in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and vitamin C.

Research shows that they have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all spices, with an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value of over 290,000 per 100 grams.

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Let’s delve into some of the health benefits of cloves in the human body 

Packed with antioxidants 

A study by the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science compared the antioxidant capacity of 26 different spices and found that cloves were the most potent. Cloves contain a component known as “Eugenol” which researchers believe to be responsible for most of the impressive health benefits.

A test tube study proved the antioxidant potential of eugenol was shown to be five times stronger than vitamin E, therefore consuming only two cloves in the morning is an easy and effective way to boost your antioxidants and combat free radical damage throughout the day, which can also help lower your risk of developing a heart disease and certain cancers. 

Antibacterial Properties 

The Journal of Food and Science Technology indicates that cloves contain lipids and oleic acids which have been shown to play an anti-bacterial role. An example of this role is in the form of clove essential oil which is used as a mouthwash to treat oral infections.

This essential oil has been reported to inhibit the growth of molds, yeast and bacteria. Cloves also contain a property known as allicin which is another maximum anti-bacterial protection. 

Regulate blood sugar levels 

Studies by the Cleveland Clinic found that the properties in cloves can help increase the uptake of glucose from the blood to your cells, ultimately this helps increase the production of insulin.

This explains why researchers believe that cloves are effective in managing blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A preclinical study by BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies showed that cloves modulate pathways involved in glucose homeostasis. 

Promote healthy bones

Cloves are packed with calcium, phosphorus, boron, magnesium and manganese which are important minerals that play a major role in healthy bone development.

Some of the compounds in cloves have been shown to help preserve bone mass in Animal Studies. According to Women’s Health Network Cloves appear to be highly effective in preventing bone loss and preventing the risk of osteoporosis. 

Helps with digestion 

A study published in the Nature Journal shows the properties of cloves can increase the amount of gastric mucus that is produced which creates a barrier between the digestive lining and harmful fluids such as stomach acid and bile.

Again eugenol as a property of cloves is also believed to be responsible for this benefit. Not only do they aid in digestion they are also effective in preventing stomach ulcers. Cloves are also rich in fibre which makes them great promoters of gut health. 

          Image Credit: Healthshots

Reduce inflammation 

Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s immune response and serves as an important role in healing injuries by fighting off chemicals and microorganisms, however, if it persists for some time it becomes chronic.

Researchers found that cloves contain compounds that can reduce inflammation in the body. Findings from animals and test tube studies suggest cloves offer inflammatory benefits, and may help inhibit inflammatory enzymes, such as “Myeloperoxidase” (MPO).  

Boost the immune system 

Studies from the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 2014 state that adding cloves to your diet can strengthen your immune response and decrease the likelihood of getting sick over time.

An Animal study on mice found that cloves can increase white blood cell count suggesting that clove intake may boost your immune system.   They can also be used to treat toothache. The compound eugenol found in cloves can serve as a natural anesthetic which can reduce pain that stems from a sore tooth. 

Improves liver health 

Research from the Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences found that the properties of cloves can play a role in reversing cirrhosis and reducing the risk of developing liver cancer.

Cloves are packed with antioxidants that are known to help the liver by preventing or eliminating oxidative stress. An animal study fed rats with fatty liver disease mixtures containing “eugenol”, the mixture improved liver function and decreased oxidative stress. Therefore, using a natural substance like cloves is an easy and effective way to take care of your liver for years to come. 

These are just a few of the many reasons why you can consider adding a few servings of cloves into your meals as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Cloves can be incorporated into your dishes or served as an ingredient in a cup of tea. You are also advised to converse about the consumption and precautions in regards to cloves with a medical professional.

Take a Quiz to test your knowledge

Which of the following is not a benefit of Clove

  1. The presence of antioxidant properties
  2. Increases inflammation 
  3. Promotes healthy bones  
  4. Aids digestion 

Answer: B increases inflammation 

While inflammation may be part of our immune response an over increase can affect the body. Cloves contain inflammatory enzymes that can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. 

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