The Global Fitness Industry Market Value 2023 Rises to $87 Billion

Assumpta Udochukwu
By Assumpta Udochukwu 3 Min Read

In 2023, the world stands at the cusp of a fitness revolution. The fitness industry, once seen as a niche pursuit, has now become a global phenomenon, touching the lives of millions worldwide. The figure of the day that captures this transformative wave is none other than “The Global Fitness Industry Size – 2023.” With the market value of over $87 billion, it reflects not only the industry’s current strength but also its immense growth potential in the years to come.

Over the past decade, the fitness industry has experienced unprecedented growth. The global market value of $87 billion serves as a testament to the industry’s remarkable journey from the margins to the mainstream. This remarkable expansion is not a mere coincidence; it is the result of shifting societal paradigms and a growing emphasis on health and well-being.

In the United States, where the fitness industry generated a staggering $33.25 billion in revenue in 2021, the significance of this sector is undeniable. As more people prioritize their physical health and recognize the broader benefits of fitness, gym memberships and fitness clubs have become an integral part of modern life. The fact that 39% of Americans hold gym memberships underscores the sector’s widespread appeal and its vital role in shaping a healthier nation.

While the fitness industry’s growth trajectory is impressive, it’s not without challenges. The pandemic’s impact, especially in 2020, led to a 32.45% decline in industry revenue. Gyms and health centers bore the brunt of the downturn, with a revenue reduction of 22.5% from 2019 levels.

However, the online fitness industry emerged as a clear winner, experiencing a remarkable 66.32% growth compared to pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2021. This shift underlines the importance of adaptability in today’s fitness landscape.

The projections for the industry are nothing short of astounding. By 2028, the fitness industry is expected to reach a staggering $434.74 billion in the United States alone. This trajectory indicates annual growth of 33.10% from 2021 to 2028, signifying a 171.75% overall expansion.

 encapsulates the industry’s soaring influence, offering a glimpse into a future where health and fitness are not just trends but integral components of our daily lives. As the world grapples with the consequences of sedentary lifestyles and the burden of chronic diseases, the fitness industry stands as a beacon of hope.

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Assumpta Udochukwu
Posted by Assumpta Udochukwu
Assumpta is a Professional Accountant, Brand Strategist, Writer and Digital Data Storyteller with extensive experience in Finance, Digital Marketing and Business Administration. She is the Chief Analyst and Editor at, she is passionate about telling data stories in an entertaining and engaging manner.
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