Technology Preferences of Gen Z

By TrendsWatch 6 Min Read

Generation Z (Gen Z) are people born between 1995 and 2015. According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division, the world population as of July 11, 2023, is estimated to be over eight billion people. The Gen-Z population is estimated to be around Two and a half billion people. That’s a whopping 26% of the world’s population in 2023. 

Image source: Medium

Digital technology began to gain popularity in the world in the late 1990s and early 2000s just about the time these were born. This period, often referred to as the Digital Revolution, was marked by the widespread adoption of personal computers, the Internet, and mobile phones.

These technologies transformed the way people communicated, accessed information, and conducted business. So, it is not unfounded to find an average Gen Z individual tech-savvy. As gathered from the Forbes Agency Council, Gen Z is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, and they have distinct technological preferences that shape how they interact with the world.

Gen Z exhibits a high degree of digital literacy, with 75% indicating confidence in navigating online platforms and discerning credible information. This article explores the key trends and preferences that define Gen Z’s relationship with technology. The following technological preferences reflect Gen Z’s unique relationship with technology.

Device Preference

Gen Z is the first truly mobile-native generation, having grown up with smartphones and tablets as their primary computing devices. They prefer mobile-optimized experiences, favoring apps and websites designed for smaller screens and touch-based interactions.

According to a survey conducted by the Global Web Index, 98% of Gen Z individuals own a smartphone, making a statement about a strong reliance on mobile devices for communication, entertainment, and productivity. It doesn’t just stop at having a handy or portable device to move around with, the quality is also of great importance to Gen Z-ers.

Bloomberg’s 2023 smartphone survey revealed that if Gen Z had to choose between camera quality and phone pricing, about 50% would opt for the former_ a probable reason why smartphones with very high camera resolution regardless of their pricing, have a good market with Gen Z. Also, AirPods have become an all-time favourite of this group because of their ease of carriage and usage.

Globally, there are about 300 million AirPod units vs. an iPhone base of 811 million units, based on IDC data.

Preferred Medium of Socialisation: 

Social media is central to the social life of the average Gen Z because it is through this medium that they connect with the world around them and far off. Thus being active on platforms that are pro-visual and pro audio-visual is an integral part of their basic socialization. Gen Z values authenticity and diversity in the content they consume.

They are highly visual, favoring platforms and content that emphasize images, videos, and emojis. They are drawn to visual storytelling, creative filters, and augmented reality experiences. They appreciate real-life stories, relatable experiences, and inclusive representation. Gen Z expects personalized experiences tailored to their interests and preferences.

This is the most likely reason some set of social media platforms are popular with them.

Image source: Bloomberg

YouTube is the most popular social media platform among Gen Z, with 88% of users, followed closely by Instagram boasting 76%.

TikTok is a more recent platform yet it has rapidly gained popularity with the group because of its short-form videos, which are often set to music and feature creative editing and effects. 68% of Gen Z individuals use this app.

YouTube’s popularity with the group is due in part to its vast library of content, which includes everything from music videos to educational tutorials to funny skits.

Preferences in Communication Tools

Messaging apps are the preferred mode of communication for Gen Z. Platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger, and Slack are widely used for personal and professional communication. Gen Z’s communication style is concise, informal, and ideally in text format.

They also value transparency and in-person interactions. This Interestingly, is probably why traditional email is less popular with Generation Z individuals.

Conclusively, understanding Gen Z’s technological preferences is crucial for businesses, educators, and policymakers. With a strong affinity for mobile devices and visual content, making provision for these preferences can enhance engagement and communication strategies.

As Gen Z continues to drive innovation and shape the digital landscape, adapting to their technological preferences will be instrumental in staying relevant and effective in a rapidly evolving digital world.

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