Some Major Conclusions at The World Economic Forum 2024

By TrendsWatch 5 Min Read

The 54th annual World Economic Forum at Davos which ran from 15th January to 19th January 2024 hosted over 3000 leaders including heads of state, business leaders, major international organizations, leaders of civil societies, youth representatives, social entrepreneurs, and news outlets. 

The forum’s main theme of “rebuilding trust” fostered a renewed spirit of solidarity and cooperation aimed at proffering solutions to the world’s critical and complex challenges such as its fragile economy, deteriorating security landscape and rising global temperature. 

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The meeting reached some progress and arrived at major conclusions under the 4 subcategories of this year’s forum some of these conclusions under their respective categories include  

Achieving Security and Cooperation in a Global World

  • More than 80 National security advisors from governments and international organizations met in Davos to advance a blueprint for peace around the globe. 
  • The forum hosted leaders from across the Middle East to support efforts to lower tensions and advance a path to peace
  • Leaders from the European Union and Western Balkans reiterated their commitment to a common European future underpinned by regional growth and stability. 
  • The forum’s participants at the African Continental Free Trade Area launched the first-ever private sector plan. 
  • The humanitarian and resilience investing initiative announced over 50 commitments that will boost impact investments and unlock over $ 15 billion in frontier markets. 

Creating growth and jobs for a new era

  • The future of growth initiative supported by a new framework will be a 2-year campaign to help policymakers and economists share new ideas and best policies to balance growth with innovation inclusion. 
  • The reskilling revolution announced that it has reached more than 680 million people with opportunities for improving education, skills, and job opportunities. 
  • Uplink raised $43 million in funding to help early-stage impact entrepreneurs scale their people and planet-focused ventures. 
  • The Edison alliance announced it has improved the lives of 784 million people through 320 initiatives across 127 countries closing the digital divide. 
  • The Global Alliance for Women’s Health announced 42 organizations and has pledged $55 million to improve women’s health and outcomes worldwide.  
Image Source: Northshore News

Artificial Intelligence as a driving force for the economy and society

  • The AI government alliance announced a new global effort to increase AI access. 
  • The tech trade global initiative outlined a vision for the collaborative use of technology for global commerce to unlock trillions in trade. 
  • New insights on the future of global Fintech chartered a path to inclusive growth in the industry. 
  • The centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution created by the World Economic Forum expanded with new centers in Germany, Vietnam, and Qatar. 
  • The global collaboration village demonstrated the potential of next-generation technology to drive inclusion and sustainability. 

A long-term strategy for climate change and energy

  • The forum launched a network to mobilize clean energy investment for the global south to help unlock an estimated $3 trillion needed for energy transition. 
  • The World’s Economic Forum Trillion Trees platform announced over 100 companies pledging to conserve, restore, and grow 12 billion trees. 
  • The global plastic action welcomed more countries bringing the network of national partnerships to 40 countries. 
  • The first movers coalition has grown to almost 100 countries providing the world’s largest demand signal for breakthrough climate technologies in higher industry sectors such as steel and cement. 

This year’s forum was proof that cooperation can deliver results, yet the world awaits to see if measurable progress will be made regarding economic, environmental, and security priorities ahead of the next World Economic Forum at Davos on 20th – 24th January 2025. 

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