Skincare: How much do you know these 5 key active ingredients found in your skin products?

Agwom Maryam
By Agwom Maryam 5 Min Read

Skincare has become a big focus for women. Over the past few years, the skin care industry has skyrocketed in popularity with an expected revenue of $143.5 billion in 2024 and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0% according to The business research company. 

 To have and maintain healthy skin is now a trend most women follow with some form of a daily routine.  This comes as no surprise as the skin is our body’s largest organ, it serves many different roles and purposes most importantly it’s your first defense against disease and infection.  

With so much work to do your skin needs care and attention to ensure it’s as healthy as possible. To achieve healthy skin they’re tons of products with a variety of ingredients to suit our different skin types. 

                   Image Credit: Healthline

Let’s take a look at the 5 key active ingredients in our skin products their advantages and disadvantages 

1. Retinoids or Retinol are Vitamin A-derived antioxidants, they are responsible for increasing cell turnover in our skin they help to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin texture, and even kill acne-causing bacteria. Other names of Retinoids you might find in a product are Tretinoin, Retin A, Adapalene, Differin, and Retinaldehyde.  

Advantages: Treats Acne, improves skin texture, Boosts Collagen production, and Enhances skin radiance. 

Disadvantages: Products with high concentrations of Retinoids can cause skin irritation and a risk of Sun Sensitivity hence Sunscreen is essential when using Retinoids, High doses of Vitamin A derivatives like Retinoids are not suitable for pregnant women. 

             Image Credit: Learn Canyon

2. Niacinamide is generally known as vitamin B3, Niacinamide itself is a nutrient we find in our body that we naturally produce, it helps change carbohydrates into energy. Niacinamide has a long well-researched and documented history of helping all sorts of skin conditions like dullness, large pore size, sebum production, and rough texture. 

Advantages: Overall Skin Health improvement, Acts as a hydrating agent for the skin. 

Disadvantages: In rare cases, Niacinamide might cause mild irritation. 

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3. Vitamin C has a lot of derivatives which makes it a very popular ingredient, it is known for its overall brightening effect as well as promoting elastin and collagen production in the dermis layer of the skin. Some of these derivatives are L ascorbic acid, ascorbic glucoside, and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate which are all known to be gentle for sensitive skin types. 

Advantages: Reduces the appearance of dark spots, Protects the skin from sun damage, It stimulates collagen production. 

Disadvantages: High concentration of vitamin C can cause skin irritation for sensitive skin types, once oxidized, vitamin C may become less effective and potentially harm the skin. 

              Image Credit: Everyday Health 

4.  Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) are fruit-derived or milk-derived chemical exfoliants for our skin. They help unclog the skin pores and even out our skin tone. The common forms of AHA found in skin products are glycolic acid, lactic acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid. 

Advantages: Exfoliates the skin by loosening the bonds between dead skin cells, improves skin texture, and Enhances absorption. 

Disadvantages: AHA’s can cause skin irritation for those with sensitive skin and risk of sun sensitivity hence it is crucial to use sunscreen when using AHA’s. 

5. Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) is also a chemical exfoliant that works to remove the dead cells and flakes on the skin’s surface unlike AHA’s BHA is an oil substance that allows them to penetrate deeper into our pores. BHA is a key ingredient to acne-prone skin types. Some derivatives of BHA’s include salicylic acid, beta-one salicylate, and willow bark extract. 

Advantages: They have anti-inflammatory properties, Improve oil production, Improve skin texture, and Treat acne. 

Disadvantages: Individuals with dry skin may find BHA’s harsh, BHA’s can be drying and irritating when used in higher concentrations. 

                   Image Credit: Cosmina

Ladies have taken comfort in their skincare regimen and are keeping up with their overall skin health by finding the products and combinations that suit them best either through deep research or consultation from a dermatologist. 

Overall, skincare is not just about beauty; it’s about health, protection, and well-being. 

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Agwom Maryam
Posted by Agwom Maryam
Maryam, is a fresh graduate with solid foundation in Content Writing, she is currently interning at with the aim of gaining more work experience to further develop her skills. She is focused on writing detailed and entertaining data-stories on lifestyles, career and women.
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