September 26th, 1914 – The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was Founded

Assumpta Udochukwu
By Assumpta Udochukwu 2 Min Read

On this day in 1914, a significant milestone in U.S. regulatory history was reached with the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC, an autonomous government agency, was created through the enactment of the Federal Trade Commission Act, marking a pivotal moment in consumer and market protection.

The establishment of the FTC was a response to growing concerns about unfair business practices and monopolistic behavior in the early 20th century. The agency was tasked with the critical mission of safeguarding consumers and maintaining fair competition in the marketplace.

One of the FTC’s primary functions is to prevent anti competitive practices, such as price-fixing, false advertising, and monopolistic behavior, that could harm both consumers and other businesses. It serves as a watchdog, ensuring that companies adhere to fair trade practices and that consumers are protected from fraudulent or deceptive business activities.

Over the years, the FTC has played a crucial role in shaping and enforcing consumer protection and competition laws in the United States. It has the authority to investigate and take legal action against companies found to be engaging in unfair or deceptive practices. Additionally, the FTC educates consumers about their rights and provides valuable resources to help them make informed decisions in the marketplace.

The creation of the FTC reflects the government’s commitment to maintaining a level playing field in the business world and ensuring that consumers are treated fairly. It has been a vital institution in upholding these principles for over a century, making it an essential component of the U.S. regulatory landscape.

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Assumpta Udochukwu
Posted by Assumpta Udochukwu
Assumpta is a Professional Accountant, Brand Strategist, Writer and Digital Data Storyteller with extensive experience in Finance, Digital Marketing and Business Administration. She is the Chief Analyst and Editor at, she is passionate about telling data stories in an entertaining and engaging manner.
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