Navigating distractions and avoiding procrastination for success in business and career growth 

By TrendsWatch 5 Min Read

 It is yet another Trends connect episode titled ‘Navigating distractions and avoiding procrastination for success in business and career growth’ helmed by our distinguished guest Mr. Kenneth Awom. 

In today’s fast paced world distractions are bound and procrastination can hinder progress in most businesses and careers. Kenneth takes us on a deep dive on how distractions can be navigated and procrastination avoided in the business and career landscape by delving into different key techniques.  

1. Observation and self awareness as a tool to identify our biggest sources of distractions in both our personal and professional lives. 

Kenneth emphasises on the art of  being observant and keeping yourself aware by making note of all little decisions you’re taking, big changes, your emotional state on what you can and can’t handle, basically a mental jotter where you can have these repositories of what makes you feel distracted and what works best for you.

2. The practical strategies for managing distractions while working remotely or in a busy office environment 

Kenneth urges us to take down notes of things you’re expected to do at their given time, this helps to organize  and give you a blueprint of your schedule. Having a solid foundation where anything can be laid is another strategy.

What works best for Kenneth  is a Google calendar where he schedules his work in advance to keep him reminded. You can find your different techniques to keep you productive. 

3. How we can overcome the tendency to procrastinate on important tasks and projects 

His solution to this is by staying truthful and honest to oneself. Ask yourself the challenging questions like Are you ready to embark on what you’re trying to accomplish?

Why are you not taking the necessary initiatives to accomplish your tasks? Another outlook is to stay obsessed with what you do only then will you be able to overcome procrastination. 

4. Specific time management techniques to help us stay focused and productive throughout the day.  

His take on this is to be time efficient, you have to know the depth of activities you have lined up for the day.

There are tons of productivity tools you could have a to-do list to know what you’re organized for, get a scheduler and also try to wake up as early as possible to get the majority of your tasks done. In general Try to make the best of your time. 

5. By striking a balance between being accessible and responsive to colleagues while avoiding constant interruptions 

This goes two ways. Firstly as an employee you should keep your schedule in check to know when you’ll be available and also be respectful of your employer’s time when approaching them regarding questions.

On the other side an employer should provide appropriate staff training and always be ready to listen and provide the necessary guidelines an employee will need. 

6. Breaking large tasks into smaller more manageable steps to combat procrastination 

In terms of breaking down a task, it is best to make it modular by fracturing them down in an easy format. Another example is a mental model which is creating models on how you can mentally do things to achieve more with less effort and coupling it together when you have individually dealt with the smaller parts. 

7. To have a long term strategy for maintaining focus and avoiding procrastination in our careers especially during challenging or stressful times 

Kenneth prompts us to try a way of changing our perspective on challenges by having a positive outlook on them. Do the needful with the best of your abilities. 

In summary, mastering the art of navigating procrastination and avoiding distractions will not only enhance our own performances and wellbeing but also unlock new opportunities for growth and success. 

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