Mobile Data Price Trends in Africa and the Middle East.

Assumpta Udochukwu
By Assumpta Udochukwu 5 Min Read

The world has witnessed a significant shift in the accessibility and affordability of mobile data, with some countries leading the charge while others lagging behind. This article focuses on the regions of Africa and the Middle East, exploring how the average cost of 1GB of mobile data in these areas influences innovation, creativity, and connectivity.

Ranking of Countries in Africa and the Middle East

The data reveals that countries in Africa and the Middle East exhibit a wide range of mobile data pricing, reflecting disparities in infrastructure, economic development, and market dynamics. Here’s a glimpse at how some of these countries rank in terms of the average cost of 1GB of mobile data:


Top 5 Cheapest Countries for Mobile Data in Africa

Top 5 Most Expensive Countries for Mobile Data in Africa

Malawi stands out as the cheapest country in the region, with an average cost of USD 0.38 per 1GB. At the other end of the spectrum, Zimbabwe takes the crown as the most expensive country in the world, with an astonishing cost of USD 43.75 per 1GB. Notably, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa fall into the category of the most expensive regions for mobile data.

Middle East

Israel, a standout performer, leads globally with an incredibly low cost of USD 0.02 per 1GB. Yemen, on the other hand, has the highest average price in the Middle East, with 1GB of data costing USD 15.68.

The Middle East region features a mix of affordable and relatively expensive countries in terms of mobile data.

Affordable and accessible mobile data is a catalyst for innovation in various sectors. In countries where mobile data is cheap and widely available, innovation tends to flourish: Israel’s remarkable position as the cheapest country for mobile data globally has significant implications for its innovation landscape. With extensive 4G and 5G coverage and abundant data allowances, Israelis have the tools to harness the power of the internet for research, development, and entrepreneurship. This affordability of data has contributed to Israel’s reputation as the “Startup Nation,” fostering a thriving tech ecosystem.

Middle Eastern Countries

Countries like Israel, Turkey, and Kuwait, where mobile data is reasonably priced, have seen their tech sectors grow rapidly. Affordable data encourages young entrepreneurs and startups to create innovative solutions in various industries, from healthcare to fintech.

The creative industry, encompassing areas such as content creation, arts, and entertainment, heavily relies on connectivity and access to a global audience. Affordable mobile data can boost the creative industry in several ways:


Despite being a remote island nation, Fiji offers 4G and growing 5G coverage with large data deals. This infrastructure enables artists, filmmakers, and content creators in Fiji to showcase their talents to a global audience without the hindrance of exorbitant data costs.


While Syria has seen an increase in mobile data prices, the unique circumstances in the country underscore the role of connectivity in preserving and sharing culture. Despite challenges, Syrian artists and cultural institutions leverage the internet to maintain and showcase their creative expressions to the world.

Top 5 Cheapest Countries for Mobile Data in the Middle East

Top 5 Most Expensive Countries for Mobile Data in the Middle East

 The pricing of mobile data plays a pivotal role in shaping the innovation and creativity landscape of a region. Affordable data empowers individuals and businesses to connect, create, and innovate.

However, the disparities in mobile data pricing across Africa and the Middle East highlight the challenges faced by some countries in achieving widespread connectivity and fostering innovation.

As the world witnesses a continuous decline in the global cost of data, there is hope for greater accessibility and affordability in these regions. Bridging the gap in mobile data pricing can unlock the potential for innovation and creativity to thrive, ultimately contributing to economic growth and societal development.

While mobile data prices vary significantly across Africa and the Middle East, their impact on innovation and creativity cannot be overstated. Affordable data empowers individuals and nations to unlock their potential and contribute to the global digital economy. It is essential for governments, telecommunications companies, and stakeholders to work together to make connectivity more accessible and affordable for all, ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital age.

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Assumpta Udochukwu
Posted by Assumpta Udochukwu
Assumpta is a Professional Accountant, Brand Strategist, Writer and Digital Data Storyteller with extensive experience in Finance, Digital Marketing and Business Administration. She is the Chief Analyst and Editor at, she is passionate about telling data stories in an entertaining and engaging manner.
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