Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle – Starting with Weight Control

By TrendsWatch 5 Min Read

The year is 2023, and people are more focused than ever on physical appearances. Whether through cosmetic surgery or regular gym visits, everyone now seems to recognize the importance of being fit and looking fit. According to the World Health Organisation [WHO], a 2016 report stated that 340 million individuals aged 5 to 19 were overweight or obese. Simultaneously, the percentage of overweight adults over the age of 18 was reported to be 39%, with 13% declared as obese. Obesity rates have increased across all social and age groups over the past two decades, becoming a prevalent issue in both developed and developing countries.

I am someone who has struggled with weight for a long time, so believe me when I say I understand. It’s not an easy journey; it’s tough. However, I have a lasting solution – something I’ve tried myself, continue to pursue, and have seen work for many friends and acquaintances. And I want to share it with you.

340 million individuals aged 5 to 19 were overweight or obese”

WHO 2016

One thing you probably already know is that a significant portion of your journey to a healthy weight revolves around your diet. Yes, exercise is important, but your diet is paramount. Studies have shown that combining mild exercise with dietary changes leads to weight loss and improved fitness. Conversely, if you exercise without altering your diet, achieving your desired weight loss might be challenging.

For Nigerians, maintaining a healthy diet may seem nearly impossible due to our calorie-dense foods like rice, yam, spaghetti, swallow, and noodles. It’s as though our options are limited.

Nonetheless, there’s a way to make it work. Over the years, I’ve experimented with various diets, and while they initially yielded results, they weren’t sustainable for me. I would revert to consuming readily available foods, and before I knew it, the weight I lost was back, sometimes even more. It’s puzzling why consuming calories and gaining weight is seemingly effortless while shedding it is incredibly challenging. I wonder about the science behind this.

Now, onto the “how.” You’ve likely heard of intermittent fasting. It’s the ultimate trick. It allows you to enjoy your regular meals, albeit in controlled portions, while giving your body ample time to process them. I aim to have my first meal around noon and finish by 7 pm on regular days, and by 6 pm on motivated days. This routine has boosted my energy levels and facilitated steady weight loss. Staying hydrated is crucial, so be sure to drink water and include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

According to an article from Healthline discussing the benefits of intermittent fasting, this approach not only aids in weight reduction and maintenance, but it also benefits the brain by reducing oxidative stress, blood sugar levels, and insulin resistance, among other advantages.

Gyms aren’t always accessible, and even if they are, consistent effort is required. Starting slow and gradually easing into a routine is advisable, considering the impact of work and real-life commitments. You can complement intermittent fasting with activities like walking – a great form of exercise that gets your heart pumping. As you build your stamina, you can introduce a workout routine and eventually consider hitting the gym.

Here’s the key takeaway: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be too hard. It starts with taking that first step and allowing yourself to develop discipline. Even if you stumble along the way, that’s alright. We’ve all been there. Pick yourself up and keep moving forward. I’m here cheering you on.

Written by Zaynab Yusuf

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