International Students in the UK: What you need to know!

Deborah Oluwumi
By Deborah 7 Min Read

As an international student preparing to embark on your educational journey in the UK, we understand that you may have numerous questions and concerns about adapting to a new environment far from home. You are not alone in this experience, as many international students before you have faced similar challenges and persevered.

In this article, we’ll be sharing valuable insights on vital things you need to know as an international student in the UK.

To begin, let’s get you acquainted with key statistics regarding international students as reported by HESA.

  • In the academic year 2021-2022, the UK hosted a total of 679,970 international students, with 120,140 hailing from the European Union (EU) and 559,825 from non-EU countries.
  • As of the year ending June 2023, there were 498,626 sponsored study visas and 98,398 Graduate route visas granted.
  • Notably, China, India, and Nigeria had the highest enrollment numbers, with 151,690, 126,535, and 44,195 students, respectively. Following closely were Pakistan, the United States, and Hong Kong, with a combined total of 23,075, 22,990, and 17,630 students. 

From the above statistics, you have a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic international student community in the UK, so get ready to connect and socialize with a wide array of students hailing from all corners of the globe.

Some Facts you need to know

Arrange Your Student Visa


Once you’ve received an offer of admission from your chosen institution, it’s time to initiate the student visa application process. According to UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service), the standard student visa application fees are £348 for applicants outside the UK and £475 for those already within the UK.

Keep in mind that the cost may be higher if you opt for priority or super-priority services for a quicker visa decision, depending on your country’s availability of such services. In addition to the visa application fees, you will also need to pay the immigration health surcharge. This amounts to £470 for each year of the visa you’re applying for.

Cost of Living 

Source: shiksha

Regardless of your budgeting efforts, it’s essential to be aware that living as an international student in the United Kingdom can be slightly more costly than expected. However, our intention is not to discourage you, but to help you prepare effectively. Your expenses will largely depend on your location within the UK.

In major cities like London, monthly living costs can easily exceed £1,500, while in smaller towns, you can manage with a budget of £700 to £1,200 per month. If your university offers on-campus residence halls, that’s a great option, especially for first-year students, as renting an apartment outside the city center can be more expensive.

In summary, as an international student in the UK without dependents, you should expect to allocate around £1,300 to £1,400 per month in London or £900 to £1,300 elsewhere in the UK. This sum should cover your accommodation, bills, groceries, and various other living expenses throughout your studies. To save on costs, consider utilizing public transportation and trains, which may offer student discounts based on your location, instead of relying on private taxis. Additionally, try to limit eating out, as a meal in an affordable restaurant typically costs at least £12.00.

Working while studying

Source: UniHomes

The UK student visa allows international students to gain practical experience while managing their finances. You can work up to 20 hours per week during an academic semester. However, during summer breaks and bank holidays, you can work for up to 40 hours per week, depending on your location.

You can work as a teaching assistant, research assistant, retailer, care giver, customer service attendant, and so on. The pay for part-time jobs varies based on the job description. You can discover suitable part-time opportunities by visiting and other job-hunting sites.

Adapting to British Culture

Source: studyingintheuk

The United Kingdom is a culturally diverse nation with a rich tapestry of people and beliefs. As an international student, especially if this marks your first venture outside your home country, it’s essential to prepare yourself for immersion in the vast and varied culture and traditions of the UK. Given that the UK primarily speaks English, one effective way to prepare for this adaptation is by honing your English language skills.

Also, British culture is profoundly influenced by the traditions of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. While English is the primary language, you’ll also encounter interactions in Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Punjabi, French, Portuguese, and Scottish Gaelic, depending on the region of the country you’re in.

Furthermore, you’ll have the opportunity to meet students from various countries and backgrounds. Being open-minded, and willing to engage, learn, and explore new places, including different cuisines and beverages, will greatly enrich your cultural experience.

Post-Graduation Prospects in the UK

Source: istockphoto

This is one of the most important things you must know as you embark on your study as an international student in the UK. The United Kingdom recently unveiled the Graduate Scheme visa, providing international students the opportunity to remain in the UK for work or job-seeking post-graduation.

Graduates who have accomplished undergraduate or master’s degrees are eligible to extend their stay in the UK for up to two years following their studies. Moreover, numerous UK institutions boast excellent post-graduation employment prospects for their alumni. You can assess your school’s graduate prospects to better prepare for your career after graduation.

Disclaimer: This article is supposed to serve as a guide to international students to understand expectations and cultures to safely navigate through life in the UK. Refer to the official government website for admission and visa travel requirements as you plan to travel to the United Kingdom.

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