82% of Social Workers in America are WOMEN

By TrendsWatch 2 Min Read

Social work is a practice based profession that promotes social change and development. Social work advocates champion the rights of individuals and communities with the aim of achieving social justice. Social workers have a direct influence in shaping people’s lives for the better.

Social workers interact with people from all spheres of life, be it the homeless, sick, troubled and even students, over 82% of social workers are women and are diverse in terms of race and ethnicity while an estimated 19% are men.

Image source: Regis college

Men typically consider social work a feminine job. According to the association of social workers only 10% of male social workers considered entering the profession suggesting that the vast number of men don’t consider social work an option.

Over the years percentages of women in social work faculty has increased in accredited universities and has further assisted in diversifying the profession. A variety of factors influence women into social work such as their experiences in caring for their families, influence by their parents, their urge to care for others.

Image Source: social work portal

Women are more interested in this career because they have been brought up to believe that emotions can be shared and talking about one’s emotions is healthy.

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