3 Scientific Inventions by Women

By TrendsWatch 2 Min Read

Quite often stories about scientific inventions by men have been rampant. That doesn’t mean women haven’t invented or contributed to an invention. Here are 3 scientific inventions by women:

Windshield wipers: on a snowy day in 1902 Mary Anderson observed how frustrated a vehicle’s driver was as he tried to remove snow from the windshield. Anderson thought of a more efficient way of cleaning a windshield, she then sketched a design for a wiper blade that could be operated from inside the vehicle.

Image source: Popular Mechanics

She filed a patent application for her creation in 1903. She struggled to find companies interested in her invention, however in 1922 Cadillac began building cars with windshields and the world followed with the help of Mary Anderson’s design.

Automatic dishwasher: Josephine Cochran invented the first dishwasher, however the machine’s large size limited it’s sale.

Image source: Kids discover

It was not until the 1950’s that dishwashers became popular within households in 1949 the first kitchen Aid dishwasher based on Cochran’s design was introduced to the public. Today the dishwasher is a standard appliance in most American households.

Caller ID: A caller ID is a facility that identifies and displays the telephone numbers of incoming calls made to a particular line.

Image Source: Phone burner

Shirley Ann Jackson, an African American physicist invented the caller ID while working at AT&T bell labs where she conducted research in theoretical physics, solid state and quantum physics. Her two leading technologies (call waiting and caller id) have enhanced communication among many.

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