25 October 1964 – Zambia Independence from the British Rule

By TrendsWatch 1 Min Read

On October 25, 1964, Zambia gained independence, ending British colonial rule. Zambia’s peaceful struggle, led by figures like Kenneth Kaunda and the United National Independence Party (UNIP), paved the way to freedom.

The Lancaster House Agreement, signed in London in 1964, played a vital role in the peaceful transition to independence.

Zambia’s independence had economic significance due to its reliance on copper mining. Post-independence, Zambia took control of its vast copper resources, leading to both economic growth and challenges.

Today, Zambia is an established African nation with a diverse economy, although it has faced political and economic difficulties. Zambia’s journey from colonial rule to independence on October 25, 1964, exemplifies the nation’s commitment to peace and self-determination.

This day, celebrated as Zambia Independence Day, is a reminder of the nation’s hard-won freedom and its promising future.

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