24th November 1965: Joseph Désiré Mobutu seizes power in the Democratic Republic of Congo and becomes president.

By TrendsWatch 1 Min Read

Joseph Désiré Mobutu, widely known as Mobutu, held the presidency of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1965 to 1997. His political career began during the Congo Crisis, where, as Chief of Staff of the army, he orchestrated a coup in 1960, resulting in the removal of the democratically elected government led by nationalist Patrice Lumumba. Subsequently, President Kasavubu was restored to power.

On November 24, 1965, Mobutu executed another coup, this time removing both President Kasavubu and Vice President Tshombe. Mobutu assumed the presidency, marking the beginning of an intensely autocratic regime. During his rule, the country faced significant economic challenges, including uncontrolled inflation, a substantial debt burden, and massive currency devaluation.

Mobutu’s leadership spanned over three decades, characterized by a consolidation of power and a regime that faced criticism for its authoritarianism and economic mismanagement.

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