10 African Cities Rated with Lowest Crime Index

By TrendsWatch 8 Min Read

Africa is a continent celebrated for its diverse cultures and landscapes. However, beyond its vibrant allure, Africa is also confronted with varying levels of safety concerns. In this article, we delve into Africa’s urban safety and crime index, utilizing NUMBEO data to unveil the distinct strategies adopted by major cities.

From the lively streets of Tunis, Tunisia, to the dynamic energy of Lagos, Nigeria, each city narrates a story of resilience and innovation that bring about dynamic efforts of shaping safety landscapes in unique and compelling ways.

1. Tunis, Tunisia (Safety Index: 52.6, Crime Index: 47.4): This is the safest place in Africa with a 52.6 safety index.  The only African country that has its safety index outweighed its crime index. According to NUMBEO, the common crimes in Tunis are stealing of cars and robbery.

This reflected a relatively secure environment and people explored the historic Medina in Tunis, feeling secure with visible police presence and well-maintained public spaces, showcasing the city’s commitment to safety.

Medina Tunis Image source: Wikipedia

2. Cairo, Egypt (Safety Index: 49.5, Crime Index: 50.5): This is the second most safe African country. Cairo maintains a delicate equilibrium between safety and crime, making it a city with moderate overall security. 

According to the UK Government, Cairo’s crime rate is generally low, but visitors have reported armed robberies, muggings (including in taxis), sexual assaults, and break-ins to accommodation and cars. 

Therefore, these low crimes might be attributed to different factors especially the community policing initiatives that fostered a sense of shared responsibility among residents and also report suspicious activities that contribute to the overall safety of the city. 

Image source: Wikipedia

3. Algiers, Algeria (Safety Index: 47.7, Crime Index: 52.3): Algiers is the third safest city in Africa with an index close to 50. The city showcases a concerted effort towards safety, but challenges such as kidnapping persist.

To make the city safer, the government has invested in more technology-driven crime prevention measures, such as surveillance cameras and mobile safety apps, to counter the challenges outlined in the city’s crime index.

Image source: Wikipedia

4. Casablanca, Morocco (Safety Index: 45.9, Crime Index: 54.1): This is the fourth safest city in Africa. This vibrant coastal city leans towards caution, emphasizing the importance of measures to enhance safety for residents and visitors.

According to the Country Report in 2023, aggressive panhandling, pick-pocketing, purse-snatching, theft from occupied vehicles stopped in traffic, and harassment of women. Therefore, Casablanca authorities invest in well-lit public spaces and deploy additional police presence in popular tourist areas, showcasing a proactive approach to maintaining the city’s safety balance.

Casablanca, Morocco
Image source: Wikipedia

5. Nairobi, Kenya (Safety Index: 40.9, Crime Index: 59.1): Nairobi faces greater challenges, with a safety index below 50. This underscores the city’s need for comprehensive safety strategies. According to the Kenya National Crime Center, stealing,  burglary and housebreaking are the major crimes in the city.

Therefore, the government has invested in community policing, police patrols, vigilante groups, erecting gates and fences, village security committees, and the employment of night guards to keep the city safe. 

Nairobi, Kenya
Image source: Wikipedia

6. Harare, Zimbabwe (Safety Index: 39.0, Crime Index: 61.0): Harare struggles with a higher crime index, indicating the urgency for community-focused safety initiatives and law enforcement efforts.  According to the Sunday Mail in Zimbabwe, non-injurious traffic violations were the most prevalent crimes, totaling 56,490 offenses at a rate of 372.2 per 100,000 people.

Theft ranked as the second most committed offense, with 35,295 cases and a rate of 232.5 per 100,000 people. To tackle this problem, Harare residents establish community awareness programs to address rising crime rates, encouraging collaboration with local law enforcement to implement targeted safety measures. 

Harare, Zimbabwe
Image source: Wikipedia

7. Windhoek, Namibia (Safety Index: 32.4, Crime Index: 67.6): This capital city reflects a significant gap in safety, emphasizing the critical need for reforms and community engagement to address the rising crime index.

According to the United States Department Report, petty street crime, with most incidents occurring after dark, and criminals using knives and occasionally firearms resulted in burglaries, robberies, and assaults. 

Windhoek, Namibia
Image source: Wikipedia

8. Lagos, Nigeria (Safety Index: 32.0, Crime Index: 68): Lagos, Nigeria’s economic hub, faces challenges in safety, calling for proactive measures to bridge the gap and ensure the well-being of its residents. 

According to Statista, in 2022 Lagos registered about 50 thousand crimes, by far the highest figure in the country. Therefore, Business owners in Lagos implement additional security measures such as surveillance systems and private security to counterbalance the challenges outlined in the city’s crime index.

Lagos, Nigeria
Image source: Wikipedia

9. Cape Town, South Africa (Safety Index: 26.5, Crime Index: 73.5): Cape Town, despite its scenic beauty, grapples with a substantial crime index, indicating a pressing need for targeted interventions to enhance safety.

According to Western Cape Police, Assault, and common robbery are the most prevalent crimes in the Western Cape. In addition to the efforts from the government, residents in Cape Town organize community forums to address safety concerns in specific neighborhoods, highlighting the need for localized strategies to combat the city’s high crime index.

ape Town, South Africa
Image source: Wikipedia

10. Port Elizabeth, South Africa (Safety Index: 23.0, Crime Index: 77.0): With the lowest safety index among the listed cities, Port Elizabeth faces significant safety concerns, necessitating urgent and comprehensive strategies for improvement.

According to NUMBEO, people using or dealing drugs, violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery, and crimes such as vandalism and theft are the major crimes in the city. However, to reduce the crime rate, Port Elizabeth launches a comprehensive urban renewal project, focusing on improving infrastructure and implementing social programs to address underlying factors contributing to crime. 

Port Elizabeth, South Africa Image source: Wikipedia

Africa’s urban safety landscape presents a diverse picture, with cities like Tunis and Cairo showcasing commendable safety indices, emphasizing the success of community policing and technological interventions. Meanwhile, cities such as Nairobi and Harare face challenges, necessitating robust safety strategies, including community engagement and law enforcement collaboration.

Lagos and Port Elizabeth, grappling with higher crime indices, underscore the imperative for proactive measures and comprehensive urban renewal projects. Across the continent, the pursuit of safety is a dynamic narrative, weaving together resilience, innovation, and localized efforts to shape secure urban environments.

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